were created for such a time...'
we are living in the most exciting period of history mankind has
ever known. A time when the nations of all the earth are being swept
over by the Hand of Almighty God, a time when the church is arising
and shining forth, clothed and overflowing with the glory of God,
just as Isaiah prophesied we would in chapter
Isaiah 60:1.
verse 3 of that same chapter, he declared the Gentiles, the people
of the world, would be drawn to our light and the brightness of
our rising and Hallelujah!! they are!! The end time harvest is being
reaped and drawn into the Father's arms.
lost, the hopeless, the sick and the fearful are realizing the body
of Christ is attractive, has answers and is showing forth the power,
the love and the mercy of the King of Glory, Christ in us the hope
or expectancy of Glory
(Col. 1:27).
That Glory of God, which is His Presence, His Precious Holy Spirit,
is the way of revealing Himself to the people of this world as the
God of power, love and eternal life.
and more, as the church realizes who she is and what her potential
in Christ is, the world is being impacted by the
Cor. 13:8 love that never fails.
In Eph. 1:18, 19
the Holy Spirit has revealed to us there is a Godly
calling upon us, that He has put within us the riches of His Glory
and that His resurrection power is poured out upon us, for the people
He died for, that they would see and believe.
(John 20:30, 31, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15-18 and John 14:12)
said in
John 7:38, 39 that the Holy
Spirit would flow out of our hearts like rivers of living water
and now over all the earth the rivers are springing up and flowing
out into the desert places to bring forth the precious fruit of
the earth. Wow! That sounds too good to be true, doesn't it! Remember what
Jesus told Martha in
John 10:40; "If
you would believe you would see the Glory of God." Then
Lazarus came forth!
believing church has arisen with the
2 Cor. 4:6,7 knowledge of the Glory of God, that God has put His
treasure, Christ in us the hope or expectancy of Glory, into our
earthen vessels so that we can preach Christ powerfully and effectively
anywhere and everywhere. Jesus has made us fishers of men. Men want
a real God, The God of mercy, a God of power and The God of love.
believing church is up and running with the good news. The lame
are walking and the blind can see. Prison doors are open and the
captives are freed. His saints are reaping in His harvest fields
and Jesus Christ is glorified.
Glory of God is overflowing from the temples of God all over the
earth and all the earth is being filled with His Glory, filled with
His Presence, filled with Jesus the Brightness of His Glory.
vessels yielded to the love of God shed abroad into their hearts
by the Spirit of God. Oh my! The Wisdom of God!
were created for such a time as this Beloved. Greater is He that
is in us than he that is in the world! Be bold, be strong for the
Lord your God is with you! |